Mental Health

How and Why NeuroLife brings innovative brain health technology to address and resolve the root cause of mental issues

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Problem You Solve

Traditional mental care is only treated as a chemical issue and covered up by pharmaceuticals meant to “prop up” the brain - instead of addressing the root cause of what caused the issue


Our Mission

To heal people from their mental illness by restoring energy and function to the brain preventing the never ending sedation and chemical bombardment on of sickcare system

How we do it

Our Values


Patients: We deliver on commitments

We uphold our mission and values

Stay authentic and true to ourselves


Patients: We deliver on commitments

We uphold our mission and values

Stay authentic and true to ourselves


Patients: We deliver on commitments

We uphold our mission and values

Stay authentic and true to ourselves


Patients: We deliver on commitments

We uphold our mission and values

Stay authentic and true to ourselves


Our Principles

Results Oriented

Results Oriented. Our Primary Concern is Getting the Desired Results for Our Clients. This is why we have obtained the most innovative technology available today, to assist in accomplishing this. We have already gotten results for thousands of clients, and are continuously updating, and pushing the limits of what can be achieved through restoring energy and health to the brain.

Solution Focused

Solution Focused. Every Brain Can Change. We can show you how. This is why we begin where most psychiatrists never even go, by taking a look at the organ we intend to treat. Once we discover HOW the brain is functioning, we see the areas that can be improved. When we restore function to these areas, symptoms can disappear completely. After a few weeks, the changes become permanent and do not require further assistance from the equipment.


Science Backed. Our Solutions May Seem Miraculous, but they are innovations based on years of research, published studies, and double blind, peer reviewed trials. The results speak for themselves, and have already worked for thousands of clients.


Holistic. Mental Health can seem complex and is interconnected with so many areas of life. While we deliver therapy to restore function in the brain, we address the other actions and lifestyle changes that can easily be implemented into daily life, to achieve goals for treatment, and make the changes permanent and ongoing.

Meet the Founder

James Gilland

Qualifications & Experience

I wish I could tell you that I am some genius that came up with a revolutionary and innovative solution to help people who suffer to find healing and relief.. but the truth is that I nearly lost everything… My business was failing, my marriage was failing. I was broke. I had also gotten myself addicted to opiates and heroin and I could not stop by myself..

Even in grade school, I knew something wasn’t right with me, I had major doubts about myself, the way my brain worked, and I wondered why I wasn’t normal, and why the normal things like homework and remembering lessons, seemed extremely difficult to me, but not so much for the other kids.

So I started seeing doctors and school counselors, to “fix” my issues. I got passed around, getting different diagnosis and medications that were supposed to help, but ended up creating other issues that seemed even worse, so I discontinued medication and continued to struggle.

In my adult life I was finally diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, ADHD, PTSD, and Insomnia, and with each diagnosis came medications to try. Benzodiazepines, Antidepressants, Stimulants, and Sleep Medications. I quickly became disappointed to discover that these medications do not treat the root cause, but seemed to change the way I felt, I didn’t feel like myself.. and I didn’t feel well.. Something just didn’t feel right. They made me feel like I was in a cloud, not really feeling what was going on, although it WAS still going on. Eventually I was prescribed pain medication after an injury, and this medication actually made me feel happy.. AT FIRST.. but after about a year I had an addiction to opiates that I was not able to stop on my own, so I was diagnosed with Substance Use Disorder. Now I had another problem to solve. I thought I was out of good options. I seriously considered that my life was lost and that maybe I should just find my way out. My insurance and doctors recommended “Medication Assisted Therapy.”

The standard of care in the United States is to put an opiate addict on Suboxone or Methadone (these are basically longer lasting opiates which stabilize the patient, yet keep them addicted to something that is even more difficult to detox than the original opiates they were taking!), and they will probably stay on these medications for the rest of their life.. As a business person I thought “Wow, these pharmaceutical companies have a product they get to sell people, every month, for the rest of their lives.. and they are so addicted they will likely never quit!! I heard about a therapy where I could detox completely without withdrawal pain, and not have to take anything again! Surely my insurance company would rather pay for something that actually heals me, rather than pay for medication for the rest of my life..? I was shocked to find out that not only would they not pay for it, but this treatment isn,t even illegal in the United States, so I would have to go to Mexico and pay out of pocket.

This was the beginning of my understanding about how the American Sick Care system works. I began to educate myself and found the industry to be corrupt, not only in mental health care, but in nearly all health care. Doctors and insurance companies are not so concerned with healing the root cause of illnesses, but are more about “disease management.” They stabilize you in the short term, yet keep you sick enough to keep coming back to “manage” the issue for as long as possible. This creates generous profits to the doctors insurance companies and big pharmacies, so they are happy, but we are not, because we rarely receive anything that heals the real issue, instead we have all these short term “band aid” fixes that will surely have us back in the office with more pain to address, not to mention the side effects which create more opportunity to get on other medications, so we can manage those as well.

Thankfully I did have the funds to pay for my treatment at the time, but I came out of it, knowing that if I was ever going to find real healing, it would likely not come through the standard medical recommendations.

I considered myself extremely lucky to have been able to avoid the pharmaceutical barrage of medications, but my life was a mess. Because of my past problems, I was now facing bankruptcy, divorce, and I knew I had to find my own way out of suffering, so I became obsessed with finding alternative treatments that worked in a permanent way, WITHOUT altering my biochemistry.

This obsession led me to spend hours a day for years, searching and eventually discovering these breakthrough technologies, used strategically in certain combinations, in order to heal the brain permanently. I know what it is like to suffer, and to feel stuck, with no options. My passion is empowering people who have struggled, to realize they are NOT broken, to reconnect them with themselves so they discover what it is like to live a life of freedom from “Mental Illness.” No matter how messed up you think you are, I promise you that ANYONE can change their brain, and ANYONE can transform their life, ANYONE, and that means you too, can take back control of their mind and learn the skills to live a happy, passionate, and inspired life.

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Meet Our Team

Shannon Romero
Office Manager
Lily Brown
Dr. Cormier’s Assistant
Maddie Brinkman
Dr. Cormier’s Assistant
Abby Warren
Contour Light/Health Coach
Kelly Dupre
HBOT Technician
Emily Broussard


What's Unique About NeuroLife?
How Much Does Care Cost?
Do You Accept Insurance?
What To Expect When You Come In?
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